A nurse at Meadow Brook Medical Care Facility in Michigan was surprised to see a stray dog sleeping on the couch in the lobby when she arrived at work. She called the nearby shelter, who said that the dog, Scout, had escaped the previous night. It was a shock that Scout made it to Meadow Brook considering the journey requires crossing a highway and scaling a 10-foot chain link fence. Scout was returned to the shelter, but not for long. A few days later, Scout completed the treacherous journey again and reappeared at the nursing home. Once again, Scout was returned to the shelter, and again returned to the medical facility a few days later. Staff at Meadow Brook took it as a sign and decided to formally adopt Scout, who now lives in the nursing home. Residents are delighted to have Scout to keep them company, and the pooch has adjusted well to life out of the shelter.

Image via Detroit Free Press
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