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Monks’ Mindfulness Tips

Devoted meditator Eli Susman traveled to a Buddist monk facility in southern France to learn more about the art of mindful living, and is now sharing his findings with the world in a published research study. According to Susman, the monks practiced meditation in short sessions throughout the day instead of traditional, hours-long practices. Sometimes, these meditations are as short as 20 seconds or a few deep breaths. They also stressed the benefits of physical touch, including giving yourself a hug, massaging your hands, or breathing with your hands on your stomach. Upon returning from his time with the monks, Susman studied the effects of mindfulness and self-compassion and found that physical touch has a clear impact on mental wellbeing and stress reduction. The monks taught Susman that mindfulness can be as simple as treating yourself with kindness and taking small moments for yourself, and doesn’t have to be an intimidating process.

Image via Buddha Meditation Center

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