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Meet the Team Behind: Wells 4 Wellness

Wells 4 Wellness promotes the importance of clean water by creating clean water wells in Niger, Africa, that are transforming communities. Their 149 wells have improved public health, increased access to education, and provided local jobs, reaching hundreds of thousands of people in the process. Learn more about their work here

How do the wells affect lives in Niger? 

All of our water wells include boreholes, PVC casing, concrete, a manual pump, masonry wall, and some have solar panels, chalets, cattle troughs, and more. Our rig, compressor, truck, and drilling equipment arrived in Niger in 2016 and we have been creating water wells with it since. In addition to providing water, we are providing jobs by teaching people how to drill and maintain the wells. Once a village gets a water well, their lives are changed forever. Women and children can seek education when they aren’t having to travel miles per day to get water. Communities are proud to have ownership of these wells, as fresh, clean drinking water is hard to come by in the region. 

Can you tell me about your wells? 

Each well provides water for 1,200-1,600 people depending on the location. We have seen that when word of a new well spreads, many people from other villages start walking to the new well, the health and wellness of mothers and children increases, and the population grows. So far in 2025, we have opened six new wells in Niger, and our goal is to have 50 by the end of the year. We have on-site service teams who are able to quickly repair wells if necessary, ensuring that the community has constant access to clean water. We hope to drill enough wells in Niger so that a round-trip distance to a fresh, clean source of drinking water is only a maximum one mile journey, instead of the current average of 3.7 miles. 

How do well designs differ? 

There are many elements that contribute to the design and cost of a well. Communities in need of water are far from municipal services, and understandably, transportation in the area is therefore a major issue. Roads in Niger are rarely maintained or nonexistent, fuel is expensive, and vehicle breakdowns are common. The depth of a borehole drastically influences the cost of a well, and there is a wide range of ground-surface to water–table distances. Additionally, drill sites have different soil factors to account for, and that can impact design and cost. We are passionate about meeting the unique needs of the communities we serve by designing and implementing water well systems that are specific to what the area needs. 

How can individuals get involved in your work? 

The best part about providing access to fresh drinking water is that it breaks the cycle of disease, illiteracy, and poverty; ushering in an era of increased health, education, income, and optimism. Wells 4 Wellness hosts speaking events at schools, offices, churches, and more to promote the importance of clean water and raise funds. We are always looking for volunteers to host events, raise money to fund our programs, assist with administrative needs, or you can become a Wells 4 Wellness ambassador.


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