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Friends’ Weekly Pub Meetup

For the last 56 years, a group of friends now in their early eighties in Sheffield, U.K., have met up at a local bar to catch up. Paul Haynes, Bill Munden, Ken King, Peter Thirwall, Brian Ayres, and Dick Cotton gather at the pub to swap stories over pints, allowing them to maintain close bonds through many life milestones. They talk about their families, sports, politics, and more— oftentimes sparking friendly arguments that are always settled by the time the evening ends. The tradition began in 1968 and the men have only missed a handful of meetups over the years. During the pandemic, the group transitioned to a virtual pub night to keep the ritual alive. Although the friend group has welcomed 17 children, 33 grandchildren, and 6 great grandchildren amongst them since that first meeting over five decades ago, they’ve never let life get in the way of the Thursday night pub hangout. 

Image via BBC

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