Between raising five grandchildren, working a full-time job, and helping women in need, 58-year-old Roberta Bell is a caretaker at heart. As a correctional officer at the Louisiana Transitional Center for Women, Bell met Katie Bourgeois— a pregnant inmate who was in need of someone to care for her baby while she finished serving the last couple months of her sentence. Bell agreed to take in Bourgeois’ baby boy, even though it meant losing her job due to the conflict of interest. Word spread about Bell’s act of kindness, and donations poured in to help her support the newborn. Bourgeois was reunited with baby Kayson upon her release, and the experience inspired Bell to do more. Bell used part of the money she received through donations to help another pregnant inmate by paying for her mother’s travel expenses so she could be there for the birth. Now, Bell is starting a transitional home for women leaving prison called the Serenity House, where she will be able to support even more women as they get their lives back on track.

Image via CBS News
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