An all-women rowing team has set the new world record in the Great Pacific Race, which goes from San Francisco to Honolulu. Adrienne Smith, Brooke Downes, Libby Costello, and Sophia Denison-Johnston trekked the 2,400 nautical miles in shifts, alternating rowing in groups of two. This was the first time the rowing team has raced in the deep ocean, and they faced intense winds, waves, and seasickness along the way. It all was worth it in the end, however, when they completed the journey with a time of 34 days, 14 hours, and 11 minutes. In addition to breaking the world record for fastest time finishing the race, the team also fundraised for the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. The inspiring all-women team wanted to show others that you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

Image via Lat35
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