Who are we? We're so glad that you asked.
Be-Roll is a weekly newsletter curated to showcase the uplifting, human side of news. With the proliferation of doomscrolling, it’s become necessary to take tangible steps that prevent us from consuming exclusively negative content. Be-Roll focuses on the good things in life— the things we all need to be reminded of in a world that is populated with disheartening headlines. This newsletter is a breath of fresh air from mainstream news, as we promise to make you smile every Monday morning. Our goal is to spread positivity to all corners of the world, one newsletter at a time.
In production, b-roll is video footage that is overlooked or used as interlude. We believe that the positive attributes of news have been treated as b-roll in traditional news media, and we are here to put the spotlight back on those stories— to bring positivity back into news, and to spark inspiration from the comfort of your inbox.
What's in Be-Roll's newsletter?
Great question. The email highlights four enthralling, unique stories from around the world, features an interview with an individual in a social impact career, and spotlights a philanthropic brand. Previous stories have focused on humanitarian endeavors, environmental conservation efforts, and powerful stories of human perseverance, all spruced with some adorable animal content.
We've covered everything from a solar farm in Yemen that empowers women, to a coral reef discovery in Australia, to a Kentucky town that elected a french bulldog as their mayor (yes, really).
Our interviews are with prominent individuals who are working to make the world a better place, whether it's through running a nonprofit, advocating for climate policy, or bringing social impact to traditional companies.
Be-Roll gives you the positive content you need to get through your week with a restored sense of humanity. You're welcome.
Meet the writer behind Be-Roll

​This newsletter was founded by Lili Gurry, a University of Pennsylvania graduate and young journalist. As an avid news consumer in the midst of a global pandemic, economic recession, and sociopolitical revolution, I was faced with a stream of heartbreaking stories of injustice flooding my screens each day. Those news stories, though important, quickly became overwhelming. I decided to launch a newsletter that takes the spotlight off of the horrors of the world to focus on the good stuff, the human stuff, and the happy stuff.
Be-Roll News began in the summer of 2020 from my grandpa’s couch, and I can't wait to see where it takes me next.